Equip your agency with the cutting-edge tools and resources it needs. The TECH5 Law Enforcement Partnership Program (LEPP) is a comprehensive grant support initiative designed to simplify the application process, maximize your funding potential, and empower your agency to achieve its mission.

Law Enforcement
Partnership Program (LEPP)

Effortless Grant Funding
We understand the challenges law enforcement agencies face in obtaining critical resources. Lengthy and complex grant applications often take up valuable time and divert staff from their core duties. TECH5’s LEPP streamlines the process, allowing your agency to focus on what matters most: protecting your community.
The LEPP offers multiple benefits to agencies, such as:

Identifying Grant Opportunities
Our team will actively search for relevant federal and state grants and present them to you to determine which ones best serve your objectives.

Providing Expert Grant Writing Support
We work with professional grant writers to ensure your application is well-written, convincing, and has the best chance of acceptance.

Reducing Your Administrative Burden
Let us handle the heavy lifting! Our team handles the application development process, so your agency's resources spend less time on paperwork.
Building a Strong Application Together
To craft the most impactful grant application possible, we take a collaborative approach with:

Grant Writing Templates: we provide pre-formatted templates to streamline the writing process and ensure your application adheres to grant guidelines.

Dedicated Grant Writing Specialists: our team of experts handles the application development, freeing up your staff to focus on more important matters.
Maximize Your Funding Potential
The first step is to identify grant opportunities that can benefit your agency, such as:

BJA Field Initiated Encouraging Innovation: funding to prevent and reduce crime and enhance the criminal justice system.

BJS National Criminal History Improvement Program: reducing violent crime by improving the accuracy, utility, and interstate accessibility of criminal history.

COPS Technology and Equipment Program (TEP): to develop and acquire effective equipment and technologies.

BJA Formula DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program: increase the capacity of publicly funded forensic DNA capabilities to reduce backlogs.

National Criminal History Improvement Project (NCHIP): enhancing the quality, completeness, and accessibility of criminal history record information.

No Cost to Your Agency
There are no fees or charges associated with TECH5’s LEPP. Our services are provided free of charge. You only need to provide the data and metrics necessary for a strong grant proposal and send in the official application.
Investing in Your Success
TECH5 offers a full range of technology solutions designed to help you reach your grant-funded goals. These solutions can assist you with:

Modernizing your applications and processes to ensure they are up to date.

Improving information sharing and collaboration across agencies.

Enhancing officer safety with contactless fingerprint capture.

Automating processes and data analysis to Increase efficiency.

Identifying suspects faster with AI-powered facial recognition.

Automating booking processes to reduce case backlogs.

Strengthening community safety through gang identification and tracking.